
Charity independent examinations are a form of assurance engagement. The independent examiner will provide an opinion to the trustees which broadly states that nothing has come to the examiner’s attention that accounting records have not been kept and that the accounts have been prepared to comply with accounting requirements.

The type of external scrutiny that can be provided to a charity depends on a charity’s governing document, gross income and net assets, whether or not the charity is a company and the jurisdiction of where the charity operates.

We gain and understanding of the charity, its aims, objectives, financial position and plans for the future and ensure that the accounts are prepared on the correct basis. Record the planning and procedures carried out, review the trustees’ report; and draw conclusions and write an independent report for circulation with the accounts.

Internal Audit

We provide expert advice on clients internal control systems and procedures. Either it is for the business as a whole or you wanted to check a certain segment of your business for scrutiny and improvement.

We create tailored work programmes which review and test the key financial, operational, outsourcing and support functions of a business so we can identify the key financial and non-financial risks affecting the business and advise on how to mitigate them.

An internal audit can be used to improve profitability, increase cash flow, improve internal controls, streamline internal processes and ultimately expand your business.